10 Power Tips for Presentations with Computer Projection

by: George Torok

When was the last time you sat through a terrible presentation using computer projection? When was the last time you gave one? If you want to avoid disaster and give your career a boost then apply these ten tips the next time you present with the computer projector. And if you want to do a friend a favour then slide them a copy of these tips before their next presentation.

The biggest mistake is to believe that cool graphics will make up for your lack of presentation skills. If you can not cook - it does not matter how good the stove is. Use these tips to develop your presentation skills and work with the tools. The computer is only a tool. You are the presenter. When you present with multi-media you are more than a performer. You are a producer. Be aware and stay in control of what you and your technology are doing to the audience.

1. Stand on the left side as the audience sees you. Because we read from left to right your audience can look at you then follow your gesture to the screen. Their eyes are comfortably moving left to right, they read the text then they return to you. If you stood on the right side their eyes have to make too many movements to read the slides and watch you. If you present using Hebrew, (read right to left), stand on the right side of the screen. If you present using old Chinese, (top to bottom), climb on top of the screen, (just kidding).

2. You are the show. Be heard and be seen. Stand away from the computer and in the light. Use a remote mouse to get away from the computer. Too many people hide in the dark behind the laptop. Arrange the lighting in the room so that you are in the light while the screen is dark. You might need to unscrew some of the ceiling lights to get it right.

3. Turn off the screen savers on your computer - any that are part of the Windows software - plus the one that comes with the laptop. It is embarrassing for you to be talking about important points you thought were on the screen while they are looking at flying toasters or Bart Simpson. It is even worse when your energy saver kicks in and shuts it all down. Remember to adjust this as well.

4. Learn how to use the switch that toggles both screens on. Often this is a function key. This toggle controls whether your laptop or projector - or both are on. You want both on so you can look at the laptop while the audience watches the same image behind you on the screen. Occasionally glance quickly at the screen just to check. But put your laptop between you and the audience so you can be looking at your audience while speaking.

5. Colours appear differently on the projector, the laptop, and the desktop where you designed it. If the exact colour is important, (perhaps for a company logo), test and adjust the colour ahead of time.

6. Keep it simple with the colours and special effects. Use no more than six colours on a slide. Use slide transitions and builds to entertain without detracting from your message. Effects like partial build reveals one point at a time allowing your audience to stay right with you.

7. Motion attracts their eyes. Gesture to the screen when you want them to look there. Use moving text to grab attention. Stand still when you want them to look at the screen. Move when you want to capture their attention again.

8. Test your slides for size and readability by standing six feet away from the monitor. If you can read the monitor then your audience will likely be able to read the screen. If they can not comfortably see and read your screen all you did was to annoy them.

9. Arrive early and test everything. Re-read this line - again!

10. Murphy loves technology. Be prepared with backup files, an extra power source for the laptop and projector and spare batteries for your remote mouse. It only takes one little thing to spoil it. Be prepared to give your presentation without the hardware.

Bonus TIP: People buy you - not your technology. You are always selling yourself - don't get lost in the technology.

About the Author

© George Torok is licensed to present Power Presentations™ by Peter Urs Bender, author of the best seller 'Secrets of Power Presentations'. Torok is co-author of 'Secrets of Power Marketing' and host of the radio show Business in Motion. He delivers seminars across North America on thinking and communication skills. He can be reached at (905) 335-1997 or George@Torok.com For more tips visit www.Torok.com and http://www.speechcoachforexecutives.com

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10 Secrets to Motivating Yourself to Great Accomplishments

by: Ed Sykes

10 Secrets to Motivating Yourself to Great Accomplishments
by Ed Sykes © 2004

1. Positive Affirmations
Our subconscious mind is a wonderful tool for success or failure. It will do what we tell it to do. It all depends on what thoughts we feed it. So why not feed your inner mind with only positive thoughts. The following are some examples of positive affirmations you can feed your inner mind for success:

-"Today, I will win because I have faith, courage and enthusiasm."
-"I see failure only as a signpost on my road to success."
-"When I feel stress, I will relax and release my stress before I take on my next task."
-"I always write down my priorities, thinking of my responsibilities. I may not get everything done, but I will do the most productive thing possible at every given moment."
-"I am a winner, I work for a winning organization, and because of my contribution and cooperation we will keep on winning."
-"Today, I will see opportunity in every challenge offered to me."

2. Positive Language
Recent research has come out that 75% of daily conversation is negative. Whether it is the words we use or the body language, we need to communicate in a positive manner all the time.

The following are some examples of how you can turn negative words into positive communication:

* Instead of saying "problem," call it "opportunity."
* Instead of an action being a "failure," describe it as a "learning experience."
* Instead of "I have to," say "I choose to." This gives control for your actions back to you.
* Instead of saying, "There's nothing I can do," say, "Let's look at our alternatives."
* Instead of saying, "That's just the way I am," say, "I choose a different approach."
* Instead of saying, "He makes me so mad," say, "I control my own feelings."

If you notice, by using the positive response, you have control over your actions and life.

3. Exercise
A Gallup survey found the following among men and women who have taken up exercise recently:

* 66 percent report a more relaxed life
* 62 percent a new surge of energy
* 55 percent less stress
* 51 percent better looks
* 46 percent more confidence
* 45 percent better love life
* 44 percent greater job satisfaction
* 37 percent more creative on their jobs

These are great motivators to exercise! Next time you feel demotivated, give your body a workout. Recent research reports that as little as fifteen minutes three times a week has profound effects. Get moving. Get motivated.

4. Take Risks
We all live our lives in comforts zones, avoiding risky situations, avoiding the potential to fail. It’s real safe for us. But in order to get ahead of your competition and master the ongoing change in your life, you must go out of your comfort zone. Start one step at a time. Try that little new thing, that different approach. It could be as simple as taking different routes to and from work. Once in a while I like to "take the road less traveled" to stir up my creative juices. Then, keep stepping out of your zone. It may seem uncomfortable at first. But the more you do it, the more it will seem natural and you will see an increase in your creative juices and opportunities you never thought about before.

5. Positive Reading
Read about the lives of successful people. Make sure you read only those people that embrace the timeless values that make them truly successful through the ages. Not the "success today, scandal tomorrow" success stories that we are experiencing today. People like Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines, Fred Smith of Federal Express, Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are good examples. These are people who overcame enormous challenges, created real value for others, or changed other people’s lives for the better.

6. Positive Visualizations
Condition yourself to paint your vision for success. One of the best ways to do this is the following:

* Go to a quiet place in your home or elsewhere. Turn off all radios, televisions, etc.
* Find a comfortable chair and get into a relaxed state of mind.
* Start thinking about one goal you want to accomplish. Remember, visualize as if you are already accomplishing this goal.
* Visualize taking all the necessary steps to successfully complete these goals. The better your visualization, where you can actually see, feel, hear, and touch your vision, the more real it is to you.
* Visualize any challenges to your successful completion of this goal and how you will eliminate this challenges.
* Visualize how good it feels to complete this goal. Visualize what benefits it will bring to you, your family, friends, co-workers, etc. Enjoy the moment!

Important: If you don't take time to see it, it won't happen!

7. Think Big
See the big picture in everything we do. So much of our time is wasted dealing with the unimportant things in our lives (what that person said or did, the driver who cut us off this morning, and activities which don't add value to our lives, etc.) that we forget about the big picture. We were put on this earth to make a difference. We make a difference for our families, our communities, our organizations, and for ourselves. All of our actions must be put into action with this concept in mind. Think a little bigger today than yesterday, and you’ll create a better future tomorrow. Thinking big leads to great actions. Thinking small leads to small results. So Think BIG!

8. Set Goals
The fastest way to fail in life is to not set clear goals. Set goals in the financial, family, health, spiritual, and career areas. Your goals must incorporate the SMART techniques or else it’s just a "conversation in the park."

* S for specific
* M for measurable
* A for attainable
* R for realistic
* T for time-based

For example, you might have a goal of achieving $2 million for retirement in twenty years. After doing your research, a SMART goal would be the following:

"I will acquire $2 million dollars for retirement by 2024. I will do this by contributing $20K, or $1667 per month, to my various retirement funds each year. Of the $20k each year, $2k will go to my IRA, and $18K will go into my organization’s retirement program."

Remember the most detail you can add, the more realistic your goal becomes.

9. Positive Appearance
Super achievers are very careful about their appearance and their movements. They know that looking good translates into feeling good. Billy Crystal, of Saturday Night Live and movie fame, once played a character that was known for saying, "It is better to look good than to feel good." What he was really implying was the "fake it until you make it" concept. In other words, if we are feeling down, then think positively and your mind will tell your body to follow suit and act positively. Also always dress the part of an achiever. Model the dress, actions, and behaviors of someone who is successful and embraces the long term values of successful people. This will also tell your mind that I am an achiever.

Don't let that be the deciding factor on being motivated. You can easily distinguish those who are motivated from those who are not motivated just by looking at their appearance and their movements. The motivated move forward, onward and upward with confidence.

10. Helping Others
Develop an obsession to help others. Share your special talents without expecting a reward, payment, or commendation. And above all else, keep your good deed a secret.

You know what, it you apply the helping techniques to others, it will automatically come back to you tenfold in a number of ways. First, the enjoyment of knowing that a special talent you had made someone else’s life better. Second, because you didn’t seek it, word will spread about you and your deeds. This will be translated into unexpected riches and opportunities. Third, you will gain a new level of confidence in knowing that you can make a difference. Super achievers find motivation and meaning by helping others.

About the Author

Ed Sykes is a professional speaker, author, and success coach in the areas of leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service, and team building. You can e-mail him at mailto:esykes@thesykesgrp.com, or call him at (757) 427-7032. Go to his web site, http://www.thesykesgrp.com, and signup for the newsletter, OnPoint, and receive the free ebook, "Empowerment and Stress Secrets for the Busy Professional."

Is Your Resume On Target?

by: Linda Matias

When writing a resume, create a mental picture of a desk piled high with dozens or even hundreds of resumes next to each other. These resumes were submitted by people who want the job you are applying for and are just as qualified as you. Keeping this image forefront is critical to your success in creating compelling “ad copy.” It will force you to focus on creating a strong title and a targeted opening which tells the employer to consider your qualifications with care.

Each reader who picks up your resume will make a quick decision as to whether to read it carefully — therefore, the top one-third of your resume should include a powerful statement that sums who you are and encapsulates your professional experience.

These are the questions a hiring manager wants answered:

• The field you are in -- even more specifically, what department you want to work in and the title you would like to have.
• How much experience you have in a similar position or in the field?
• What special skills and/or certifications you have?
• The difficult problems you have solved and what you have accomplished.
• The advances you have made throughout your career.
• The type of person you are and your work characteristics.
A profile statement is an overview, a brief summary of your accomplishments. It should be 1-2 paragraphs long with of 3-4 sentences, or perhaps a series of bulleted points.

Here’s an example of a tightly written, short summary statement


Accomplished marketing and business development executive with perennial record of success driving marketing strategies and capitalizing on opportunities that have led to multimillion-dollar growth.
Able to deliver results that position organizations for immediate and long-term growth. Expert presenter, astute marketer, and confident team leader with documented strength in forging strong, sustainable executive-level relationships. Skillful change agent with advanced problem solving and communication skills. Understands both macro picture of market issues and minute details necessary for successful business solutions. Goal-driven.

Below is an example of series bulleted statements
 Accomplished manager with 20+ years of experience as Environmental, Health & Safety specialist for industry-leading organizations. Maintain highest quality standards to avoid time and cost expenditures.

 Quality and safety specialist with the ability to analyze operations, pinpoint areas for improvement and redesign, and implement plans that generate profitable results.

 Excellent relationship builder with success in forming strong, sustainable relationships and securing consensus among cross-functional team members for key initiatives.

To wrap up

The most qualified candidate is not always the one to get an interview – the one with the strongest resume is. Your profile sets the tone for the rest of the resume, and serves as a tease that invites the reader to take notice. A resume is more than just a piece of paper, and as a job seeker it is your responsibility to make it easy for the reader to conclude that you are the best candidate for an interview. A targeted opening will capture the interest of the reader.

Certified in all three areas of the job search – Certified Interview Coach ™ (CIC) Job & Career Transition Coach (JCTC) and Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) – Linda is qualified to assist you in your career transition. Whether it be a complete career makeover, interview preparation or resume assistance. Linda is the president of CareerStrides and can be reached via email (linda@careerstrides.com) or by visiting her website (www.careerstrides.com).

Copyright Linda Matias - http://www.careerstrides.com

Related links:

21st Century Career Success

by: Michelle Casto

21St Century Career Success
When it comes to modern career development, one thing we can all count on is change. With the advent of technology, telecommuting, and E-commerce, how work is performed is in a state of reinvention. Self-employment and small business development will become more the norm than big business. And career changes will be more frequent due to rapidly changing organizations and industries. Finally, the line between one’s personal and professional life will become even more blurred. Since the modern world of work is rapidly changing to keep up with the demands of our fast-paced lives and lifestyles, here are some characteristics of what the new work contract will look like:
§Seeking more meaning from work.
§Equating “career success” with personal satisfaction over paycheck or status.
§Everyone will need their own “name-brand.”
§Increased use of technology.
§Finding work that needs doing.
§Changing in the way management and leadership is conducted (less arrogance at the top level, more power on lower levels).
§Increased need for networking and self-marketing.
§Lifelong “trying on” of various roles, jobs, and industries.
§Creating a plan that is flexible, and continually assessing the “fit” of the work.
§Increased representation of women and minorities in the workforce.
§Changing career fields numerous times in a lifetime.
§Self-responsibility: Everyone knowing they have to chart their own career direction.
However, the 21st century career also offers many advantages:
§More career opportunities for everyone.
§Freedom to choose from a variety of jobs, tasks, and assignments.
§More flexibility in how and where work is performed, i.e. working from
home or telecommuting.
§More control over your own time.
§Greater opportunity to express yourself through your work.
§Ability to shape and reshape your life’s work in accordance with your values and interests.
§Increased opportunity to develop other skills by working in various industries and environments.
§Self-empowerment mindset.
§Allows you to create situations or positions where you can fill a need in the world that is not being filled.
§Opportunity to present yourself as an independent contractor or vendor with services to offer.
How can you successfully navigate through the turbulent times of change and career uncertainty? By developing resiliency, exercising proactivity, creating excellent self-marketing tools, keeping your skills up-to-date, and finding your unique life balance.
1.Develop resiliency (the ability to bounce back).
Having the right attitude about career change is imperative to your ability to bounce back from setbacks, sudden changes, and twists and turns along your career path. You will experience a lot of career change and transitions, so you may as well get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.
2.Take a proactive approach to your career development
You must constantly be on the lookout for new ways to apply your gifts and talents in the new economy. This requires thinking creatively, actively promoting yourself/business, and being actively involved in how your career progresses. Staying involved in professional associations, and continuous networking are excellent ways to connect with other like-minded professionals.
3.Create first-rate marketing materials
Always keep your resume current. You never know when you are going to want to share it with someone or pass it along. If you are in business for yourself, develop classy business cards and letterhead. Harness the power of the internet by developing an interactive website.
4.Commit to lifelong learning
To keep earning, keep learning. Do not wait until you lose your job or want to look for another position to gain new skills or training. Recognize the need to be open to learning and attend classes related to your area of expertise to keep your skills sharp and marketable. Keep in mind the top skills needed for career success include:Communication, Computer-knowledge, Creativity, Customer Care
5.Find your unique life balance
There are four dimensions to life: love, labor, leisure, learning. Remember that work is just one aspect of your life pie. Be sure to indulge in all of your areas. Because having an overall balanced life is what leads to the most fulfillment.
Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. is a Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author of the Get Smart! LearningBook Series: Get Smart! About Modern Romantic Relationships and Get Smart! About Modern Career Development. She can be reached at coach@getsmartseries.com
Visit virtually: www.getsmartseries.com and www.brightlightcoach.com

7 Effective Tips For Get a New Job FAST

by: Damian Papworth
In the last four articles in this series, we covered the
four basic steps to finding employment. Defining,
prospecting, applying and interviewing. In this final
article, we giving you 7 quality tips which will help
you cut valuable time off each step and therefore the
entire job hunt process.

1. Don't wait till you start looking for a job, before you
start looking.

Be up to date with your industry and the conditions
of your employment environment all the time. Make
this part of your job description in every job you hold.
It could save you weeks when it comes time to find a

2. Keep your resume up to date

Find a template or layout that you are comfortable with
and maintain it. Update it twice a year at least. It will save
you the mad scramble to put it together and possibly a lost
opportunity because you were unprepared.

3. Network Network Network.

Keep in touch with all your contacts in the industry. This
includes workmates, employers, contacts at employment
agencies, contacts in similar companies etc. You never know
what other people will be doing tomorrow, or what opportunities
they may have for you.

4. Accept interviews even if you are not interested in the
opportunity, or not looking for a job.

Interviewing is a very specific skill. Keep that skill honed.
Keep practising the skill. You don't want to lose "perfect"
opportunies because it is your first interview in 5 years and
you need to get your answers back up to scratch. Remember
you do not have to accept the job.

5. Keep a diary of your experiences.

Note what you did well with each job opportunity. What worked,
what didn't, improvements you could make, elements you can
get rid of. Then, when you next go through an employment
opportunity situation, revisit your notes, duplicate the good
things and improve the bad things. Recognise the process
as having a learning curve, and learn.

6. If you do not have a job and need one, make job hunting
your full time job.

Get out of bed at the same time you would if you were working
in your given field. This will put your time clock in sync with your
interviewers. Spend the same hours working on your job hunt
as you would in the job. Be disciplined.

7. Keep focused

Know what you are looking for and have a clear plan for
achieving your goal. Do not accept roles that are different
to your goals at the start of your job hunt. This could cost
you years in your career.

This is the final part of a 5 part special report on reducing
the time it takes to get a job. Its not fun running around
trying to win that job, this report is full of tips and tricks
which will help you reduce your job hunt time to a

The rest of this report is delivered in incremental articles which
you can get by subscribing for the FREE newsletter at
http://www.employedforever.com The entire series of articles
will be sent automatically to you email address. Other
topics covered include: Prospecting for Job Leads; The Job
Application and The Interview Process. So to get your copy of this,
entire report, by signing up for this free newsletter at
http://www.employedforever.com or by sending a blank email to

Till then, good luck with your hunt


Finally, a dedicated and systematic approach to ensuring
you're earning an income forever. Find out how, in four
logical steps, you will never have money problems again.

About the Author

Damian Papworth has been a Senior Manager in one of the Fortune 500 to close on a decade. In that time he has employed countless new people to work for him. He knows what employers look for

10 Tips for a Successful Job Search

by: Cathy Severson, MS

Create a support system for yourself emotionally and for your job search. Identify allies that you can count on. Know some will have strengths in one area, but weaknesses in another. Recognize different people will play different roles in your job search.

Maintain a positive attitude. Inevitably, negative feelings can sabotage your job search. If you have anger about your former employer, work through it. Negative emotions will undermine your best efforts. Keep yourself renewed and enthusiastic throughout the process.

Network. The number one way of getting a job is through networking. Even if you are involved in the computer industry, less than 10% of jobs are obtained through the Internet. Devote energy to making real, valuable connections with people.

Develop a schedule and goals. Getting a job is of course the ultimate goal, but it is impossible to predict when you will achieve it. Develop daily and weekly schedules of job search activities you can control. For example, send out 10 resumes, research 5 companies and call 10 people in your network. This will keep you on track, and focused.

Know what you want. People need to work for money and benefits. But remember other components are necessary for you to feel satisfied in the workplace. Know what motivates and satisfies you. Know which environment you're most productive in. Know what you can compromise on and what you won't.

Always have a "Plan B". The best time to accelerate your job search is when you've just had the greatest interview of your life. You're feeling confident, enthusiastic and competent. This is the time to expand your networking, follow-up on contacts and schedule new interviews. Remember, even the most promising prospect can backfire.

Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Exercise and eating right can't go wrong-they are proven to enhance quality of life. Celebrate your creativity and find ways to engage your mind, body and spirit.

Research companies before the interview. Find out about the company through your local library and Internet. Request an annual financial report and promotional information from the company. Ninety percent of the other job seekers don't do their homework, be the one that stands out.

Know what you have to offer. Identify your relevant skills and accomplishments. Know the unique contributions you offered former employers. Be able to articulate your strengths on your resume and in the interview.

Think outside the box during your job search. Look for unexpected opportunities; explore untapped skills and interests. Open yourself up to
new possibilities

About the Author

Cathy Severson, MS is a career counselor and a career coach. She helps adults find both success and fulfillment in their work by incorporating a simple three-step strategy. Contact her at cathy@passporttopuprose.com and visit her website at www.passporttopurpose.com

Business & Career: Know Your Ruling Star!

"Know your Ruling Star. One man is better received by one nation than another, or is one welcome by one city than another. He finds more luck in one office or position than in another, and all though his qualifications are equal or even identical. Let each man know his luck as well as his talents. Follow your guiding star and help it without mistaking any other for it. Know how to transplant yourself. There are nations with whom one must cross their borders to make one's value felt."
- Balthasar Gracian, (Spain, 1600's)

Have you ever felt, "Here I am, best job I ever had, good money, an excellent career move - but, what in the world am I doing here where I feel so alone and out-of-place with my surroundings? How did this happen to me?"

I've been there, because someone offered me a job and I accepted, knowing ahead-of-time, intuitively I wouldn't feel at home in the town and surroundings.

Or - maybe you love your location but, sadly, are unable to find any openings in your field. I've been there also. Looking back on my years in Austin, Texas, I can't believe the number of short-term, soul-emptying jobs I tried very hard and unsuccessfully do to. My job-duration ranged from only two hours (which was long enough when you hate what you are doing!) to several months (each day seeming like an eternity) before my opportunities in broadcasting finally came.

It's a rare person these days who is able to say, "I love this community, love my home, love the work I do, get along great with my business colleagues and supervisors. How do you beat perfection?"

There is a wonderful quote I repeated to myself many, many times during my ups and downs in Texas.

"Hence the first principle in changing one's character is to seek another environment, to let new forces play upon our unused chords, and draw from us a better music." - Will Durant

That's what I wanted! I wanted another location - another place - where new forces could play upon my unused chords and draw from me a better music.

"There are nations with whom one must cross their borders to make one's value felt." - Gracian

Yes! Yes! Yes! That's what I wanted. To cross borders and feel my native talents valued again.

"Know your Ruling Star," the Spanish priest Gracian wrote in The Art of Worldly Wisdom. "One man is better received by one nation than another, or is one welcome by one city than another. He finds more luck in one office or position than in another, and all though his qualifications are equal or even identical."

We are better received in certain locations or areas than in others, welcomed when we show up, and we most certainly do find more luck in one place than another.

"But where, where, where is THAT PLACE?" I wondered.

In Texas, for every 100% plus I gave in my career, the returns (feeling valued, appreciated, and being monetarily rewarded), always fell short.

I hosted a noon talk show for awhile at an Austin TV station. Our ratings were great. The guests I booked were top names in the literary, entertainment, self-improvement, and political arenas.

After our ratings came in one spring, I couldn't believe how well the show was doing.

Several days later, however, the General Manager wanted to see me.

After all the years of my show's success, he said, "James, I can't complain about your ratings. That's good for ad revenue, but I finally got a chance to see your show yesterday. As you know I only have a tenth grade education, never finished high school, started in sales, worked my way up to where I am today." He beamed proudly, "I didn't understand it."

I knew when he said, "I didn't understand it," my show was doomed.

The GM was the standard by which all business decisions at our stations were made.

I wanted to call him, "Idiot," but restrained myself.

My favorite line in Texas TV came from a female news director who told me, "You have a master's degree. We don't need people that smart to do the news." I never worked at that station.

"Let each man know his luck as well as his talents. Follow your guiding star and help it without mistaking any other for it. Know how to transplant yourself," Gracian reminds us.

Know how to transplant yourself!

Finally, I did transplant myself, once again. It was time to move from the newsroom and go into teaching; use, finally, that masters degree referred to earlier that wasn't needed to report the news.

"There is a simple answer to the question 'What is the purpose of our individual lives?" A.J. Ayer wrote. "They have whatever purpose we succeed in putting into them."

Yet, if you believe you are being guided by and toward a higher destiny, as I do, use what others know (their gifts and resources) to inform and enlighten yourself.

I've also successfully used relocation astrology as an essential tool to follow my guiding star. Through my sessions with Cait Benten, I'm finding, as we'd all like to do, a balance of the "right place" and the "right work" combined.

"This time, like all other times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


About The Author

Now, after a career as an award-winning media communicator and as a university professor, James has shared meaning-filled conversations with film stars, recording artists, US Presidents and first ladies, state governors, world-famous authors, scientists, and people from most every walk of life